• IELTS Academic Study Materials – Set of 6 Books

    • Comprehensive set of 6 books for self-study

    • Interactive Chapters with Sample questions

    • Practice questions with detailed answers

    Benefits of Our IELTS Academic Comprehensive Material (Set of 6 Books)

    In this set of comprehensive study material, you get six IELTS Academic books:

    • IELTS Academic Reading: Develop your reading comprehension, vocabulary, and critical-thinking skills.
    • IELTS Academic Listening: Become confident in understanding spoken English, identifying key information, and taking notes.
    • IELTS Academic Writing: Think in a logical way, structure your ideas, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
    • IELTS Academic Speaking: Speak fluently and use proper vocabulary and grammar for different question types.
    • IELTS Academic Grammar: Enhance English grammar knowledge with practice and key concept explanations.
    • IELTS Academic Aviator: Boost your score with useful tips and strategies, and be fully prepared for the exam.

    Features & Benefits

    Prepare fully for the IELTS exam with printed books and materials dispatched in set of six books – IELTS Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, and Aviator.

    Develop a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and principles with concept-building tasks.

    Learn effectively and proactively through interactive chapters and sample questions.

    Practice questions hand-picked by IELTS experts! Prepare with a variety of sample test questions and answers to prepare for your test.